Established in 1973 as a Preservation Development Authority (PDA), Historic Seattle is the only citywide nonprofit dedicated to saving meaningful places to foster lively communities. We are keenly interested in future development and the role that older, historic buildings and neighborhoods play in the shaping of Seattle. And by extension, we also care deeply about what happens in the great state of Washington. Historic Seattle is not opposed to change, growth, or increased density. We are developers ourselves and own a portfolio of ten historic properties and have saved over 45 buildings. For nearly 50 years, Historic Seattle has been bringing back to life threatened and neglected historic properties throughout Seattle. Several of these projects provide a total of 48 units of affordable housing, including Belmont/Boylston (“Bel-Boy”); Good Shepherd Center (artists’ live-work units); Victorian Row Apartments; and Phillips House. Older buildings and neighborhoods are central to the retention of a diverse housing stock that reduces income inequality and helps prevent displacement and gentrification. We share the concern about the lack of affordable housing and housing options and support efforts to address these important issues. Any statewide legislation should provide a more balanced approach to achieving growth, taking into consideration the livability and quality of local communities. While the intent of providing more middle housing (particularly affordable housing) is good, we do not support HB 1782 as written. It presents a statewide solution that does not consider the diversity of local communities and how development impacts older neighborhoods (particularly those with historic and cultural significance). We would like to see a more nuanced approach than the legislation that is currently under consideration. We feel strongly that preservation safeguards need to be added to the legislation to protect historic resources—individual buildings/structures and districts placed on, or that have been identified by a public agency as eligible for, inclusion on a national, state, or local historic register. Rules that govern the types of housing to permit more options in our neighborhoods should also follow new limits on size and scale so that new infill construction is compatible in existing single-family neighborhoods. Good design and quality materials also benefit any development. We acknowledge that historically, some older neighborhoods developed with a mix of housing types and property types. We believe this contributes to the character of a neighborhood. Older houses and other building types have been (and continue to be) rehabilitated and adapted to create more housing, adding density within the structure or through expansion. Historic preservation is part of the solution, not a hindrance. Lastly, we would also like to see a historic preservation element be a requirement in comprehensive planning at the local level. Presently, it’s an optional element under the Growth Management Act. Historic preservation is often seen as an outlier in land use and development regulation—it should be integrated and considered as an important piece of the whole. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Eugenia Woo Director of Preservation Services Historic Seattle 1117 Minor Ave Seattle, WA 98101 [email protected]