Posted on May 3, 2016 by jvf4119“Hundreds of low cost housing units and small businesses and unique character of our diverse community – all are threatened.”
You’re Invited: Important Community Forum on the City’s upzone plan and how it affects your home, low cost housing, and small business. Monday, May 16th – 7:00-8:30 PM – University Heights Community Center Room 209, 5031 University Way NE For more information visit "Outside City Hall"
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Hearing on Displacement Coalition Appeal of UDistrict hi-rise upzone plan Wed 10AM May 4th -5/3/2016 "Over 1500 low cost housing units & small businesses threatened" "City's DPD refuses to even study these impacts"
This coming Wednesday 10AM the Growth Management Hearings Board will be hearing the Seattle Displacement Coalition's appeal of the UDistrict Upzone - a plan to cover the district with 240-320' towers and that threatens over 1500 units of existing low income housing and dozens of small businesses - This Wed 10:00pm May 4th before the State Growth Managements Hearing Board, 40th floor of Seattle Municipal Building 700 5th Ave. for more information, contact this email or ph: 2066320668 John Fox continued... Agenda items 5 & 6 are "Briefing on Mandatory Housing Affordability - Residential Program" and "Briefing on Equity in the Seattle 2035 Comprehensive Plan and the Equitable Development Implementation Plan." Links to these presentations and the committee agenda can be found here:
Please attend and make a public comment. If you are unable to attend, please email the PLUZ committee members to express your concerns. [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] A draft is available for review of the $50 billion Sound Transit 3 long-range plan to extend light rail from Everett to Tacoma, to the Eastside, and with links from downtown to Ballard and West Seattle ( Voters will be asked to approve the plan in November 2016.
A series of seven public meetings around the region starts on April 19:
From Lisa Herbold’s blog:
I believe that the City’s plan for growth must include dedicated funding for a new preservation strategy to reduce displacement and minimize the loss of affordable housing. My office will continue its work with community partners to develop program policies, including a case study and to discuss with my colleagues on the Council the pros and cons of different dedicated revenue sources in addition to the Housing Bond and Growth Fund. |
September 2017
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